Carne Asada

Although Mojo is more commonly associated with pork (Mojo Pork) it goes equally well with beef. Carne Asada translates to roast meat, but as served in US restaurants, it is usually a thin piece of grilled beef topped with sautéed onions. It is pictured here with guacamole, yellow rice, and black beans.
1 top sirloin steak, 1/2 inch thick
Mojo marinade
Olive oil for brushing
Salt and pepper to taste
Prepare the Mojo marinade (recipe follows) or buy a bottle. Trim the meat of excss fat and place it in a zip-top plastic bag. Add marinade, zip the bag almost closed, expel as much air as possible, and zip the bag fully closed. Marinate refrigerated for 24 hours, turning at least once. Remove the meat from the marinade allowing excess marinade to drip free. Brush the meat with oil and season with salt and pepper.

If serving with caramelized onions: sauté one thin-sliced medium sized onion in a small amount of olive oil over medium to medium-low heat for approximately 30 minutes, or until lightly browned. Prepare the grill for hot direct cooking. Grill the meat for 3 minutes per side directly over the fire for medium rare.

Mojo Marinade
8 large garlic cloves, crushed
1 medium yellow onion, diced
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 cup sour orange*
1/4 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons lime juice
Combine all ingredients.
*NOTE: Sour orange (naranja agria) is available in Hispanic groceries and some super markets, as is commercial Mojo marinade.