Missouri Farm Visit
I spent last week at my cousin’s farm in the Missouri Ozarks. I had internet problems and missed my BLOG post. However, we had barbecued chicken, baby back ribs, and brisket, went tubing on the Meramec River, attended a wedding, and did a lot of visiting,

I used to spend my summers on this farm with my grandmother. Every morning my dog and I climbed the hill that grandmother went down every morning to the barn to get a bucket of cream.

She then climbed back up the hill and sat on the porch and churned butter while listening to a St. Louis Brown’s baseball game on the radio. The last day my dog sat in the road half way up and waited for me to come back down. At ten years old and having been swimming for sticks in the river for five days she had had it. I enjoyed the hike and since they did not mow the shoulder it was full of wild flowers – Queen Ann’s Lace and Chicory, Black Eyed Susans, and Milk Weed.